Have you got feedback you’d like to share with us?
If you have feedback on our GHA homes, service, support, communication, or anything else you’d like to share, please email our Quality Manager at
Feedback Policy
The purpose of this policy is to ensure feedback is documented, actioned and evaluated to ensure that Group Homes Australia (GHA) continues to improve and strive to meet resident and family’s needs.
At Group Homes Australia (GHA) we welcome all forms of feedback, whether it be a compliment, suggestion, or something we can learn from and do better. Feedback is an important way for Group Homes Australia (GHA) to identify opportunities for improvement.
SCOPE: This policy applies to all team members at GHA.
Principles Of Feedback
Acknowledgement: is to be provided to the person within 5 business days of their feedback or complaint. Generally, the format for the acknowledgement should be mirrored. That is, written acknowledgement for written complaints.
Statement of gratitude: in most cases, acknowledgement should include a statement of gratitude to the person providing the feedback or complaint.
Clarify: directly with the person providing the feedback or complaint about any aspect that is not clear to you.
Understand: listen and check with the person so that you understand what they are saying.
Advocate: if a formal meeting is arranged, ask the person if they would like to bring an advocate or support person to the meeting.
Restrictions: inform the person of any restrictions you face e.g., government regulations.
Outcome: ask the person what outcome they are seeking. Understanding this may facilitate a quick resolution of the matter.
The Head of Care and Health (HCH) is functionally accountable for external feedback handling and reports on feedback to the CEO who in turn informs the Board of Directors.
When it comes to handling external feedback, the CEO/HCH determine the most appropriate person to follow up on and look into the feedback; this judgement is dependent on the nature of the feedback.
Where feedback is given to a team member be it written or verbally the information is escalated to the Quality Manager for management.
Feedback could be handled by one of the following positions:
- Head of Household Experience/Resident Care Team/Homemaker Supervisor
- Head of Care and Health
- Chief Executive Officer
- Quality Manager
Providing Feedback
All residents and family members are provided details in the service contract on how to provide feedback to GHA, including information on how to make a complaint to external bodies. They also are provided with the resident handbook as an extra resource that includes information about feedback.
All team are provided training on our internal feedback process.
Feedback will be treated fairly and equitably, and in a confidential manner. Complaints will be managed, without retribution to the complainant. GHA welcomes anonymous feedback, and they can be provided via letter to GHA.
Feedback and complaints will be managed in a timely manner. When resolution of complex issues requires more time, the complainant will be informed of the progress. Information from the feedback will be recorded and utilised to promote an environment of continuous improvement. Open disclosure is part of the GHA approach while managing feedback.
Residents/their representative and other stakeholders are at any time free to give feedback to GHA and/or make a complaint to external bodies.
Feedback is logged in Salesforce in the resident or house account by the GHA team members and are monitored by the Quality Manager.
Feedback is reviewed at the Quality Meeting, Resident Care Advisory Body and Board Meeting to ensure the best learning and outcome for everyone involved.
- Our feedback review aims to identify any system or procedural breakdowns. These could be human, environmental or system related.
Written information can be provided in different languages and Easy English or explained verbally by team members. Team members can also help residents access interpreters or advocates as required.
The GHA feedback policy is available at Feedback can be emailed to
All feedback gets an immediate response of acknowledgement. The person handling the feedback will ensure that investigation of feedback occurs within the following time frames:
- High Level – Within 7 days
- Medium Level – Within 10 days
- Low – Within 28 days
It is the responsibility of the person handling the feedback to assess and determine the level and associated time frames in line with the issues raised.
If a complaint alleges actual or possible criminal activity or abuse or neglect, it is referred to the HCH immediately. The HCH reports and actions the complaint as per GHA’s incident management processes.
Continuous Improvement
The emphasis on identified issues will be to identify and recommend areas for continuous improvement in line with GHA’s commitment to Continuous Quality Improvement.
- All team members involved in in our feedback and learning are to uphold our GHA Culture.
- Actions arising from feedback are documented and communicated to the person giving us the feedback in various forms, either by phone call, email or family meeting. Evidence for this will be found in documents such as Flourishing plan, meeting agendas and actions, progress notes, and CQI plan. Transparent communication is maintained with anyone giving feedback throughout our follow up process.
- We value feedback and keep it open until the provider is satisfied with our follow-up or it’s closed by an external body.
- While one person manages feedback, various levels of team members and management may be involved. Our feedback process is documented, and feedback providers are informed of our learnings and actions, fostering positive outcomes.
- Confidential feedback is also part of our process.
External Agencies For Complaint Management
At any time, people can make their complaint to an external agency. These include:
Complaints to the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission can be lodged:
- online at
- by phone on: 1800 951 822
- by post to: Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission, GPO Box 9819 Sydney NSW.
Residents of GHA can also contact the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) if they have concerns regarding consumer protection in relation to finances.
Complaints to NSW Fair Trading can be lodged:
- online at; and
- by phone on: 13 32 20.
Residents in Supported Independent Living services or other accommodation arrangements can be supported by Official Community Visitors (OCVs). OCVs are coordinated by the New South Wales Ombudsman and are responsible directly to the Minister for Disability Services and the Minister for Community Services. OCVs visit government and non-government accommodation services for children, young people and people with a disability throughout NSW. Their role is to promote residents’ rights, identify issues raised by residents, provide residents with information, help resolve concerns and inform the Ministers and the Ombudsman about the quality of services being delivered. OCV visits can be requested by emailing Further information about OCVs can be provided by the OCV Team Leader on 02 9286 1000.
Team members must assist people making a complaint, or people with disability affected by a complaint, to contact the NDIS Commission, where this is relevant.
People can also send an email to or call the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) on 1800 800 110. If they can’t help, the NDIA will try to refer them to someone who can. The NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission (NDIS Commission) is an independent Commonwealth agency established to improve the quality and safety of NDIS supports and services.
The NDIS Commission can take complaints from anyone about:
- NDIS services or supports that were not provided in a safe and respectful way
- NDIS services and supports that were not delivered to an appropriate standard
- how an NDIS provider has managed a complaint about services or supports provided to an NDIS participant.
You can make a complaint to the NDIS Commission by:
- phoning 1800 035 544 (free call from landlines) or TTY 133 677. Interpreters can be arranged
- National Relay Service and ask for 1800 035 544
- completing a complaint contact form.
For information about making a complaint, visit the NDIS Commission website.
Complaints made to Group Homes Australia and the NDIS Commission can be withdrawn at any time.
If you are not happy with an NDIA action or decision you can contact the Commonwealth Ombudsman:
- by phone on 1300 362 072; and
- visit or
Team members must support people making a complaint about the NDIA to contact the Agency or Commonwealth Ombudsman, where this is required.
Where a complaint about Group Homes Australia is made to the NDIS Commission, all team members must:
- comply with any orders or requests made by the NDIS Commission in relation to the complaint;
- assist in any resolution process or inquiry undertaken by the NDIS Commission in relation to the complaint; and
- ensure the complainant or a person with disability affected by the complaint are not adversely affected or fear retribution because a complaint has been made by them or on their behalf.
Feedback Process
Feedback and Complaints can be made to GHA:
- in person
- by telephone 1300 015 406
- by email to
- by letter to The Chief Executive Officer, GHA, Level 2, 425-429 Pacific Highway, Crows Nest NSW 2065.
Feedback and complaints can be made externally to:
- For Aged Care complaints: The Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission 1800 951 822
- For NDIS complaints: The NDIA to or 1800 800 110.
Relevant Legislation
- Aged Care Quality Standards (2019)
- Health Care Complaints Act 1993 (NSW)
- NDIS (Complaints Management and Resolution) Rules 2018