What is dementia?

Feb 1, 2022

You may have started asking this question because you are concerned for yourself or a loved one. So let’s get started by simplifying a complex topic, into bite-sized information.

Imagine the word car. A car is a general term to describe a 4-wheeled vehicle. There are many different types of cars. For example, Holden, Toyota, Hyundai, Volvo. So now take that analogy, and relate it to dementia. Dementia is a general term that describes a group of diseases. For example, the most common type of dementia is Alzheimer’s, then Vascular, Lewy Body Dementia and Frontotemporal dementia. Each dementia will present differently and respond to different strategies. The most common symptom that is known about dementia is memory loss. However, dementia can impact many different areas of brain function. For example, emotions, the ability to calculate numbers and manage finances, orienting time and place, word searching, and many other symptoms.

If you are worried about yourself or noticing brain changes in someone else, raise it with your GP.

Stay tuned for more information on the different types of dementia and their symptoms, and how these impact the type of support needed.

Is it time to consider permanent care?

There is never a right or wrong answer to this question. Our “Question and Answers” are for people living with dementia and for the loved ones supporting them as they consider permanent care, residential aged care, home and community care or a nursing home. Please connect and share your details and take our Q&A to help you decide what to do next.

If we can assist with answering any further questions, please don’t hesitate to contact our Engagement Manager for support on (1300) Show Number

Dance to your own rhythm: Every person living with dementia will do it differently. It’s like a dance.

We understand when a loved one receives a diagnosis, it doesn’t just affect them. There is a huge impact on their support network. We have created a new resource which includes helpful advice for care partners.


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